New creation church

Welcome to New Creation

A Great Commitment To The Great Commandment and the Great Commission Will Grow a Great Church!


New Creation Church was built “on top of the hill.” Nestled on 3.5 acres of San Diego’s finest real estate, in the Oak Park neighborhood. The main sanctuary accommodates 600 members, while the balcony sits another 150 members. The sanctuary has been upgraded with state of the art video screens, cameras and projection equipment to enhance the worship experience of members and guests alike.

Amos Hall sits directly adjacent to the sanctuary connected by a lobby area dubbed “Times Square” next to the church administrative office and reception area. Amos Hall houses offices, and multipurpose rooms that are utilized for everything from bible study classes to meeting rooms and praise dance rehearsals. Many of our Children’s activities take place in our multipurpose rooms, including Children’s Church and the toddler Nursery or C.L.C.C. (Christ’s Little Cub Center).


Here at New Creation Church our mission is “to attract and win members, develop them to Christ-like maturity, and empower them for a meaningful ministry in the church and a life mission in the world in order to magnify God.” Our history began 50 years ago in 1972, when a small group of families were led by the Holy Spirit to found a church here in San Diego, California.

We are congregationally run by an elected Executive Board of Directors and Leadership Council, and we are not affiliated with any outside umbrella organization. About 1,500 people worship at New Creation Church of San Diego each Sunday.



We are delivering Communion to the sick and shut in. We need people to call the church 619 584-5460 and leave your name and number

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Thank you for your partnership through giving.

In a world where so many are seeking to, “receive”, it’s refreshing to know of those like you that embrace the spirit of giving. The Apostle Paul reminds us that “Every one should give as they have decided in their heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things,at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work” (2nd Corinthians 9:7-8)
No matter what you have decided to give, if it is a sacrificial gift from the heart, Gods grace will abound upon you!

Because of your loving partnership , New Creation Church can continue to make a tremendous impact on the world community. Through our outreach programs and Christan education ministries your gift will help us continue to aid and support those void of the knowledge of Gods abundant love.

Thank you for supporting New Creation ministry. May Gods blessings continue to shine upon you.